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Emotional intelligence for leaders


Let’s start by debunking a myth: Emotional Intelligence is not a “soft skill’; it one of the hardest and most important things to master if you aspire to be a remarkable leader and great communicator. Humans’ Emotional Intelligence skills are hugely important to our overall success in life and work, due to their influence on our ability to self-manage and motivate.

People with high emotional intelligence are able to:

  • understand emotions

  • identify emotions in themselves and others

  • self-manage and self-motivate

  • appeal to and use emotions appropriately and effectively; and

  • control their emotional response.


Like other  communication skills, Emotional Intelligence is not tangible, but even though we can’t see it, we can certainly feel its impact when it used effectively.


At Communication Counts we offer masterclasses, on-line training and individual coaching on how to build, enhance and use your Emotional Intelligence to become a remarkable leader. All our programmes can be tailored to your organisation’s goals and values.

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